- Mountain Park ES
- School Counselor and Social Worker
School Counselor and Social Worker
School Counselor
Lauren Thomas
School number: 770-921-2224
Office number: 678-245-3113
Email: Lauren.Thomas@gcpsk12.org
School Social Worker
Christa Kirksey
Parkview Cluster Social Worker
Email: christa.kirksey@gcpsk12.org
Gwinnett County School Counselors support students' academic success, career development, and social-emotional growth, through individual meetings, conferences, presentations, groups, and classroom lessons/activities.
If your family is in need of food assistance, please contact Mrs. ThomasMrs. Thomas is available by request each school day except Thursday, as those are reserved for Student Support Team meetings. Meetings are typically scheduled within 48 hrs. of the request.Students can request to meet with Mrs. Thomas by email, call, or even a note.Parents can request to meet with Mrs. Thomas email or phone call.
Content Accordion
Career Clusters
The Georgia Department of Education has developed seventeen (17) elementary career awareness activities for local school systems to use as a guide to assist with the implementation of the College and Career Readiness Performance Indicators appropriate for the career awareness and career development indices. Some activities may contain more than one activity to allow for more opportunities to facilitate awareness of the cluster. These activities will assist elementary students with:
• developing sense of self and areas of interest
• developing and acquiring positive attitudes
• developing a sense of career awareness and the relationship with academics and personal interests
List of Career Clusters:
Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
Architecture & Construction
Arts, A/V Technology & Communications
Business Management & Administration
Education & Training
Government & Public Administration
Health Science
Hospitality & tourism
Human Services
Information Technology
Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security
Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics
Transportation, Distribution & Logistics
Counseling Lessons
Guidance Lessons will cover topics in Academic, Social, and Career Areas. These lessons will help your child be a more successful student, both academically and socially.
Topics that may be covered include: Character Education, Study Skills, Bullying Prevention, Friendship, Careers, and Stress Management.
Battered Women's Shelter
Phone 404-873-1766
Child Abuse & Neglect Report
Family & Children Services
Phone 770-995-2100
Parent's Anonymous
Phone 404-870-6565
Phone 800-532-3208
Lilburn Co-op
Phone 770-931-8333
Small Groups
Small group counseling is designed to help children work on skills in academics, social, and career areas. Groups are made up of about 6-12 students and are about 6-8 sessions long. The goal of any group that your child may participate in is to help them be more successful both in school and in life.
Topics in Small Group are dependent on the needs of students, but can include: Friendship Skills, Changing Families, Making Good Choices, Study Skills, Self-Confidence, Resilience, Motivation, & Leadership Skills.
Watch D.O.G.S.
Watch D.O.G.S. stands for Dads of Great Students, and we would love to have all great Dads and other awesome Dudes (uncles, grandpa's, community members) come into Mountain Park Elementary and volunteer. You can volunteer as much or as little as you like. Some Watch DOGS volunteer for 30 minutes a few times a week in the morning before school, others volunteer 1-2 full days a year, and some volunteer for a full day on a weekly basis. A full day is 7:45 - 3:30. Watch DOGS help out with things like lunch, recess, art, PE, and classroom support.
If you would like to volunteer please email Lauren Thomas with your name, your student(s) name, and the date(s) you would like to volunteer. Mrs. Thomas will email you back confirming your selected date(s).
We look forward to having you!