- Mountain Park ES
- MPES Grading Policy
Mountain Park Elementary School Grading Policy
Grades will be divided among AKS Progress, AKS mastery, and District Assessments.
- The ratio of AKS Progress to AKS Mastery will be 2 to 1 in all core content areas, with a minimum of 12 grades per subject per grading period.
- Writing is a progressive skill that will not be reassessed in the manner outlined below.
Work is first and foremost about mastery of essential skills and performances -writing, speaking, summarizing, inferring, etc.
- It is not primarily about the grade.
Students will be allowed, with the exception of culminating activities (i.e. projects), to reattempt at mastery for two summative assessments per semester per core subject content area.
- The higher grade will be entered in the gradebook.
Teachers reserve the right to change the format of any assessment that is being redone for mastery.
Any student is eligible to request another attempt at mastery.
- The request must be made by parent or student upon receipt of the test.
- The teacher is not responsible for initiating a reattempt.
- The student must complete the reattempt of the assessment by the assigned date.
- The window of opportunity to reattempt mastery closes after 5 school days.
All requests for a reattempt must be accompanied by a Summative Mastery Ticket, which outlines what a student has done to prepare for the reassessment.
No student shall be allowed to redo work during the last week of the grading period – i.e. the 18th week of each semester.
- Reassessment must be completed during the first 17 weeks of the grading period.
In the case of absences, the student will be given time equal to the amount of school days missed to make up work with no penalty.
- After that time, no work will be accepted and NTI will be entered into the gradebook.
- NTI means “not turned in” and is equal to a zero.
After communication from the teacher, graded assignments will be given a window of opportunity of three days.
- Students may turn in any assignments at any point within the three-day window.
- After that window closes, a NTI will be entered into the gradebook and no work will be accepted.
Mastery Summary Ticket
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