- Lanier MS
- Dive Deeper Blog
We Are Connected
Posted by Robert Mosteller on 11/1/2019
We Are Connected:
During the month of November we are highlighting the We are Connected mindset. The We are Connected mindset helps us understand that everyone who comes into our lives can help us achieve and live our dreams. Working with, for, and through others is crucial to realizing our dreams. When we understand this and seek the positives from our relationships with others, our performance in every area of our life improves. In the lessons for this mindset, we help students explore synergies with others, embrace diversity, and relish the competition that will allow them to maximize their potential by working with the through others.
The 4 Critical Components of We Are Connected:
- Embrace Everyone- Every person that comes into your life will either be a positive influence or a negative influence or no influence at all. It makes sense to figure out how that person may be able to help you, because the other options mean that you aren’t getting closer to your dreams. People who live great lives embrace everyone and constantly seek ways to serve and be served by the people they come into contact with.
In order to figure out what type of influence a person might have, you must first, welcome them into our lives and resist judgement. Start a conversation and find out more about them. You just never know when you might meet a life long friend! - Maximize Positive Relationships- There are people in our lives that lift us up and make you better. Unfortunately, there are also those people that have a tendency to bring us down. Work to spend more time with those that empower us, and less with those who don't. Take a minute to reflect on your relationships and identify who in your life is empowering and supportive of your dreams. Seek ways to get more out of and put more into the great relationships in your life.
- Build Your Dream Team- Building your Dream Team is about identifying individuals in our lives that can help us realize our dreams. Perhaps these individuals have life experiences and wisdom we can draw from, access to resources and information we will need, or can provide us with vital support as we start the path toward our dreams and learn to overcome the obstacles that may stand in the way. The important step is to recognize the critical role others play in our lives and strive to be more intentional by developing and fostering relationships with others that we will need.
- Lead With Value- Lead with Value is all about cultivating those connections with others. When we find people who can help us in life, we need to start building those relationships quickly so the cycle of giving can begin. In any relationship, no matter if it is with family members, our friends, teachers, coaches, etc., an important lesson we can learn is that if you offer to help someone BEFORE you ever have to ask for help yourself, you will ultimately gain more from that relationship. When we lead with value, we are building those important relationships, offering help, and looking for ways we can add value to our existing relationships.
4 Do's and Don'ts
- DO Spend time talking about and modeling the We are Connected mindset at home by embracing everyone. Find ways to connect with others, and learn something from them. Every situation that a child shares with you is an opportunity to talk with them about how to seek ways to serve and be served by others.
- DON'T spend time talking about others negatively. It's better to focus on the positive things that people bring into our lives rather than on the negative experiences others may create. Keep in mind that "energy flows where attention goes" when discussing and focusing our energy on others. By directing attention to the wonderful things others do, we draw positivity inward, and teach our children how to seek the good in relationships with others.
- Do look for ways to connect with other people. By celebrating life with friends and family and spending time going places with others and connecting, children learn the importance of these relationships. Realize that you are a role model for how to deal with others, and know that they'll continually look to you for guidance.
- Do find ways to give back and lead with value in the community. Serving others teaches us a lot about ourselves and the importance of cooperation. You never know who might be the next person to help you through something, help you get a new job, or assist you with something else, so it's always a good idea to put yourself out there and help others first. It is much easier to receive help when others know you're willing to do the same for them.
- Spark conversation with your child about which friends they consider as empowering and supportive in their social circle, and which friend(s) is most draining and toxic to their life.
- Share your own experiences with empowering and toxic relationships from your own life...past & present.
- Initiate discussion with your child about their Dream Team. Who are the individuals they have selected for their Dream Team and why did they chose them?
- Ask your child what one thing he/she did today to make someone smile.
- Challenge your child to do or say one nice thing for someone else tomorrow.