Craig Elementary School
It’s a great day to be a Colt!
- Craig ES
- Back to School 2024

Express Pass activates July 23, 2024!
Start your Back to School process here! Every Craig family needs to complete the online "Express Pass" for each child registered at Craig Elementary. By Completing all the required elements on the "Express Pass", you will be ready for Open House on Thursday, August 1, 2024.
Beginning July 23, 2024, all required Open House forms, school contributions, and PTA items will be available online through ParentSquare and the PTA website. All parents will receive a notification of this through ParentSquare.
If you have more than one student at Craig, you will need to complete forms for each student separately.
Follow each step below so you are ready to attend Open House!
Step 1: Visit ParentSquare
What will I do on ParentSquare?
Beginning July 23, all required GCPS forms can be digitally acknowledged or signed by parents through ParentSquare. These include GCPS release forms/waivers regarding attendance, student information protocols, acceptable use policies for technology, Craig and GCPS student handbooks and more.
In ParentSquare, you can view each document and check the box acknowledging you have seen it. This is your digital signature for the document. Each document should be acknowledged for EACH child you have registered at Craig ES.
Click HERE to go to the GCPS ParentSquare information page.
Step 2: Visit MyPaymentsPlus
What will I do on MyPaymentsPlus?
On MyPaymentsPlus, pay student fees and make school contributions. MyPaymentsPlus is also where you can add money to your child's cafeteria account for their breakfast and lunch purchases. School contributions to Craig ES to help with many areas of our school including the clinic, classroom technology and much more.
Purchase a window cling for a car rider number, if you don't already have one. You will have the same car rider number the entire time you are at Craig Elementary.
Click HERE to go to MyPaymentsPlus.
Need help with MyPaymentsPlus? Click HERE for a video help guide.
Step 3: Sign Up for Open House Appointment Time
How do I sign up for an Open House appointment?
Before you sign up for an Open House appointment, you will need to know your child's teacher for the 2024-2025 school year. Class lists will be posted on the front doors of Craig Elementary the afternoon of July 26, 2024. Any students with incomplete registrations or missing information (vaccination forms, residency affidavits, lease updates, etc) will not be posted on a class list. You will need to have your registration complete or updated in order to receive your child's teacher.
Please, do not call school to get your child's teacher. Instead, come join in the fun with your friends and neighbors on the front porch at Craig! Buddy's Bit will post an announcement as soon as the lists are up and ready to be viewed.
Open House appointments are scheduled through PTCfast, which is the same place we schedule all of our parent conferences during the school year. On July 26, 2024, the appointment schedules will be open for you to sign up.
Sign up for an appointment time for each child you have at Craig with their classroom teacher. If you have 2 students at Craig, you will need to sign up for 2 different appointment times, one with each teacher.
Write your PTCfast appointment time(s) on your "Express Pass" printout.
Click HERE to go to PTCfast
Step 3: Visit Craig's PTA Website
What will I do on the Craig PTA website?
Craig PTA does a wonderful job of supporting the students and staff at Craig Elementary. There are many opportunities to volunteer and get involved.
Be sure to order your child's Colt Class Pack! What does the Colt Class Pack include? The Class Pack includes your child's class t-shirt (used for field trips, field day and spirit days), money contributions towards all holiday class parties and end-of-year celebration, and a contribution towards a small teacher recognition gift from the class. By ordering the Colt Class Pack, you take care of lots of class support all at once!
On the Craig PTA website you can do the following things:
- Order and pay for your child's Colt Class Pack.
- Get your PTA membership.
- Order spirit wear.
- Sign up for the email list to be notified of activities and volunteer opportunities.
- Order your child's yearbook NOW to get the best price!
Click HERE to go to Craig's PTA website.