- Sycamore ES
- Clinic
Sycamore Clinic
Clinic Information
Our clinic is staffed by Bethany Kelly.
Our clinic staff will administer minor first aid, prescription drugs, and long-term medication. Over-the-counter medication will be administered only when a parent request is furnished in writing for a specific reason and day. When parents bring medications to school, detailed instructions should be provided on the school form along with the medication in the original container. Should your child require long term medication (several weeks to indefinite in length), our clinic staff will dispense medication only after your doctor has written specific instructions that include exact dosage to be given. We also require that a document be provided giving us permission to administer emergency-type medication for specific known medical problems (e.g. bee stings).
No prescription or over-the-counter medications (Tylenol, aspirin, Pepto Bismol, etc.) should be sent to school via students. According to school bus rules, students are not permitted to have tobacco, alcohol, or any controlled substances (Ritalin, Adderall, etc.) on the bus. The safety of your child as well as other children is the primary consideration behind this rule.
Note: The clinic depends on your donations for supplies for the clinic such as snacks, band aids, zip lock bags.
Clinic Forms
GCPS medical forms are available by request from the school clinic.
Check Out Policy
The clinic is available for illnesses or injuries that occur DURING school hours. If a student it too ill to remain at school, a parent/guardian will be contacted to pick up the child. The clinic must get parent/guardian permission before releasing any student to anyone other that the parent/guardian UNLESS IT IS AN EMERGENCY.
Health Management Plan
If a student has a current medical condition, a completed health management plan (available at the clinic) should be on file in the clinic. These forms help provide the medical information needed to best care for your child while at school and they must be updated every year.
Taking medication (prescribed and over-the-counter) during school hours is discouraged, but if the student needs medication at school, a parent/guardian must complete a GCPS Administration of Medication Form (form is available from the school clinic). All medications MUST be in the original container and stored in the clinic. Medication in baggies or envelopes will not be accepted. All medication must be brought to the clinic by a parent/guardian. This includes cough drops.
Students carrying prescribed inhalers with them throughout the day must have a Gwinnett County Asthma Plan Form signed by a parent/guardian and a physician on file in the clinic. The form is available from the school clinic.
Epinephrine (Epi-Pen) is a cardiac drug and must be stored in the clinic. If it is medically necessary for an Epi-Pen to be carried by a student throughout the day, rather than stored in the clinic, proper documentation MUST be on file in the clinic. Additional documentation for students requiring an Epi-Pen include an Allergy Emergency Plan and a Hypodermic Injection Consent Form, signed by a parent/guardian. The form is available from the school clinic.