Special Education Student Records

  • Please contact the school the student attended for all school and special education records. 

    Public Notice:  Destruction of Eligible Records of Special Education Students  

    In accordance with the state and federal regulations implementing The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), this notice is to inform you of Gwinnett County School District’s intent to destroy records containing personally identifiable information for students who received special education services under an Individualized Education Plan while attending Gwinnett County Public Schools.
    Records for students with a disability who became inactive (withdrew or graduated) from any school in the Gwinnett County School District during the following school years are no longer needed for educational purposes. These records may be useful for Social Security or other reasons. 

    • High School - graduated or withdrew during school years: 2012/2013 and Prior
    • Middle School – withdrew during school years: 2009/2010 and Prior
    • Elementary School – withdrew during school years: 2003/2004 and Prior

    The records will be destroyed on or after December 1, 2023.  If you, the student, parent, or legal guardian, desire a copy of records prior to the destruction, contact the Department of Records Management, Inventory, and Compliance at (678) 301-6144 or visit this web page.

    Please click the link below for more information: (translations coming soon)

    • English
    • Español