• White Oak Counseling Mission and Vision Statement


    The mission of the White Oak Counseling Department is to promote the highest level of achievement in academics, career readiness, and personal/ social development by delivering a comprehensive counseling program. The school counselor will help remove barriers to education and in collaboration with teachers, families, and the community to support students to become well rounded individuals that strive to be world–class thinkers, learners, and leaders.


    The vision of the White Oak Counseling Department is to help students become high–achieving learners who are ready for further educational endeavors. Our students will become world–class citizens who strive to be the best thinkers, learners, and leaders. All students will have numerous avenues for self-growth which is supported by the comprehensive counseling program. Through collaboration with teachers, administrators, family, and community students will have access to various learning opportunities which facilitates positive life skills and high academic achievements. Students will leave White Oak Elementary prepared for a rigorous education, lifelong learning, and provide a positive influence in their community.


    Belief Statement


    White Oak Elementary's counselor believes:

    • All students have dignity and worth.
    • All students are individuals and learn at their own pace.
    • All students can become self-advocates and overcome life's challenges.
    • All students have the right to have equal access to the school counselor.
    • The school counselor will help remove barriers to education to support the academic success of every student.
    • The school counselor will use data to drive and continuously improve the comprehensive school counseling program.
    • The school counselor will abide by ASCA’s Ethical Standards for School Counselors.