- Centerville ES
- Clinic
You will need to fill out the action plan and fax it back to me at 678-639-3704. If a child needs an Epi-Pen at school, you will need to fill out the Administration Medication Request form and the Hypodermic Injection permit form. The Hypodermic permit form must be notarized.
Please remember:
PARENTS OR GUARDIANS MUST BRING MEDICATIONS TO SCHOOL. Students are not allowed to carry medications to school or on the bus. This includes any over the counter medication, for example; Tylenol, eye drops etc. Prescribed medications must be in the original container. A Medication Authorization Form must be completed before medication can be administered to your child. A separate form is required for each medication.
Healthy Smiles Happen at School
Great news! Help a Child Smile dental program is joining with Centerville Elementary School to offer full-service dental care at school.
Click Here to find more information and to fill out the forms.

Medication at CES
To ensure the safety of all students at our school, the following guidelines must be followed when medications are brought to school:
- ALL medications (prescription/non-prescription) are kept in the clinic. The medication must be brought in by a parent or guardian. Students are not allowed to bring medicine to school. DO NOT SEND MEDICINE ON THE SCHOOL BUS!
- To administer any medication, an Administration of Medication Request form must be completed. This form can be picked up from the clinic.
- ALL medications must be in the ORIGINAL CHILD-PROOF CONTAINER. Prescription medication must be in a labeled PRESCRIPTION BOTTLE with correct dosing information. MEDICATIONS STORED IN ENVELOPES, BAGGIES, ETC. WILL NOT BE GIVEN.
- Administration of prescription/over-the-counter medicine (even for a short period of time) is discouraged. Parents should check with their physician regarding the need for medications to be administered during school hours. Medications prescribed for three times daily can be given before school, after school, and at bedtime. THERE SHOULD BE NO NEED TO BRING MEDICATION THAT ONLY HAS TO BE GIVEN ONCE OR TWICE DAILY, unless for example the physician states 'noon' which is during the school hours.
- Medication must be picked up at the end of the year by a parent (guardian) or it will be disposed of by the school.
- The clinic does NOT provide Tylenol, Advil, antacids, cold medications or any other type of medication for students.
If you have any questions about these procedures, please call the Clinic at 678-639-3703.
Is your child too sick for school?
Parents/guardian must get from the doctor an updated plan at the beginning of each school year. Also, if your child’s doctor makes any changes during the school year, these changes must be provided to the school in writing. A verbal change from a parent will not be permitted.
Head Lice
If it is determined that a child has head lice, his/her parents will be called to take the child home. Treatment with a special shampoo and removal of ALL nits is required before the child returns to school. Parents are requested to send the box top from the shampoo to the school clinic when the child returns.