- Suwanee ES
- Counseling Information
School Counselor
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Counseling Information
Counseling Information
Mission and Philosophy
Mission and Philosophy
The mission of the Suwanee Counseling Department is that ALL students should be afforded opportunities for guidance and support in becoming lifelong learners and in developing skills to support their current and future personal, social, academic and career goals. The counselor works in partnership with parents, teachers, administrators and members of the community to remove barriers to student success in a safe and supportive school environment.
*All students receive guidance lessons that cover the standards and competencies that are linked to Gwinnett County’s Academic Knowledge and Skills (AKS), the State Department of Education’s “List of Values and Character Education” (CE) and Quality Core Curriculum (QCC) as well as the American School Counselor Association National Standards (ASCA).Vision
The Suwanee Counseling Department is dedicated to removing barriers to student achievement while providing developmentally appropriate counseling services and advocating for all students.
Program Principles
The Counseling Program is designed to help students develop into:
- confident leaders;
- contributing citizens of society; and
- problem solvers who are ready to meet the global challenges of the 21st century.
Philosophy Statement
l believe:
- All students have the ability to achieve.
- Each student is unique and valuable, and differences in cultural, ethnic, racial, and special needs will be considered and respected in program planning and implementation.
- All students in grades K-5 shall have access to a full-time, state-certified, minimum of a Master’s degree level school counselor to deliver the counseling program.
And the Suwanee Elementary School Counseling Program will:- Have specified goals and adhere to developmental competencies for all students, grades K-5.
- Solicit input and contributions from other school staff, counseling peers, parents/guardians, and community representatives in program planning and implementation.
- Employ data-driven practices and innovation based on the ASCA (American School Counselors Association) national standard.
- Participate in professional development activities in order to maintain a quality school counseling program.
- Abide by the ethical standards set forth by the American School Counselor Association and as advocated by Gwinnett County Public Schools’ Policies and Procedures.
School attendance is important because it underscores the significance of learning and the importance of obtaining an education. In addition, a focus on regular attendance helps students develop good work habits that will carry over in life. Good attendance also correlates strongly with improved grades.
GCPS Attendance Protocol Link
Attendance Works Advancing Student Success by Reducing Chronic Absence Link
Care Team Resources
The Care Team assists families through the following means:
- School supplies, clothing, and shoes
- Coats for students during colder months
- Scholarship funds for school programs like field trips
- Help in obtaining glasses through LensCrafters, the Red Cross, or Walmart
- Referrals for families to connect them with outside agencies which offer assistance
- Crisis needs from fire, parental injury/illness, etc.
If your family is in need, please email Christi Barnard Calderon for more information.
Career Awareness
Students are exposed to Career and College Awareness activities throughout the school year through school-wide activities and classroom guidance lessons.
Classroom Lessons
Each class (K-5) participates in classroom lessons once a quarter covering topics such as career awareness, life skills, and academic success.
Individual and Group Counseling
Individual and group counseling is available for each student at Suwanee Elementary. Students may write the counselor a note and place it in the mailbox outside her office door. The counselor will then make an appointment with the student's teacher.
Mandated Reporting
In compliance with HB 1176, ALL school personnel and volunteers are required to report suspected acts of child abuse to the person in charge of the facility. This report cannot be modified by any person(s) and will be reported immediately, or within 24 hours, by the person in charge of the facility to the appropriate agency.
Parent Resources