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    School Council

  • 24-25 SY School Council Meeting Dates: TBD

    Role of the School Council

    The school council provides advice and recommendations to the school principal and, when appropriate, the local board of education and local school superintendent, on any matter related to student achievement and school improvement, including but not limited to, the following:

    1. School board policies;
    2. School improvement plans;
    3. Curriculum and assessments;
    4. Report cards issued or audits of the school conducted by the Office of Student Achievement;
    5. Development of a school profile which shall contain data as identified by the school council to describe the academic performance, academic progress, services, awards, interventions, environment, and other such data as the school council deems appropriate;
    6. School budget priorities, including school capital improvement plans;
    7. School-community communication strategies;
    8. Methods of involving parents and the community;
    9. Extracurricular activities in the school;
    10. School-based and community services;
    11. Community use of school facilities;
    12. Student discipline and attendance;
    13. Reports from the principal regarding progress toward the school's student achievement goals, including progress within specific grade levels and subject areas and by school personnel; and
    14. The method and specifications for the delivery of early intervention services or other appropriate services for underachieving students.

    School Council Members for SY 2024-2025

    Nicole Mosley: Principal

    TBD: Chairperson

    TBD: Vice Chairperson

    Mirielle Nurinda: Secretary / Parent Outreach Liaison

    Members TBD

    To contact the School Council, please reach out to Nicole Mosley or Mirielle Nurinda.