- North Gwinnett HS
- Overview
NGHS Advisement Program Mission/Vision
The Advisement Program at North Gwinnett HS will provide opportunities for students to build authentic relationships, to learn and model respect for self and others, to develop resiliency to overcome life’s challenges, and to explore all paths to a successful post- secondary transition.
The goals of North’s Advisement Program are to:
- build authentic teacher–student and student–student relationships
- promote student success in and outside of the classroom
- help students connect to and invest in our community
- identify student strengths and cultivate their passions
- engage students in their own learning process
- provide opportunities to explore multiple pathways to college and careers
The Advisement period is also used to impart important school-wide information outside of regular classroom instruction.
Program Implementation Overview
Advisement classes meet once per week for 35 minutes as a separate period on Wednesdays. Students are placed into their Advisement group alphabetically in 9th grade and remain together for all four years of high school. This allows the advisor to build relationships with their students over the full high school experience, from their first day on campus until they walk across the stage at graduation.
10th – 12th grade groups have one week per month open for interest topic exploration, while the other weeks are dedicated to school-wide and grade-level specific Advisement lessons on a variety of academic, character education, and career related topics. Guest speakers are also brought in throughout the year to supplement the program.
9th grade students participate in the Freshman Mentoring program, which consists of small groups of 9th graders led by 11th & 12th grade mentors. Each group also has a faculty advisor to oversee the groups and give feedback to the upperclassmen mentors.
We have a teacher recognition program that highlights an Advisor of the Month. The teacher is selected based on Advisement coordinator and administrator observations. The teacher chosen each month has his/her picture displayed and is able to choose a prize from a variety of educational materials. Advisors can also wear jeans on Wednesdays if they wear their staff Advisement shirt. We also have ARC (Advisement Representative Council) that is comprised of 10th – 12th grade students who provide feedback on the effectiveness and relevancy of lessons and contribute ideas for future lessons and extension activities.