• Tutoring Hours

    Here at North Gwinnett High School, there are several tutoring options for your student to obtain help with his/her classes if needed.  Please see below for the tutoring options and directions.


    Students are offered extra help through Bulldog Time sessions.  Bulldog Time is offered 4 times per week and is from 9:59 AM - 10:26 AM.  Students may also coordinate times with their individual teachers for morning or afternoon extended help. 





  • In partnership with the Gwinnett County Public Library (GCPL), GCPS provides Tutor.com as an online tutoring resource for students. Live tutoring support is available daily from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. In addition, students can receive “drop-off support,” 24-7, by uploading a document for tutor feedback that will be reviewed and returned at a later time. Below is the link and instructions to use Tutor.com which is also available in your student’s eCLASS.

  • tutor.com

    How to Access Tutor.com

    How to Use Tutor.com