- North Gwinnett HS
- Overview
NGHS Attendance Procedures
- ADAP & Certificate of Enrollment
- Attendance/ Check-outs
- Clinic
- Code of Academic Integrity
- Dress Code
- Junior Class
- My Payments Plus
- NGHS Cell Phones/Electronics Policy
- ParentVUE
- Senior Class Information
- Student Dropoff and Pickup
- Student Parent Handbook
- Student Portal (eCLASS)
- Title IX
- Work Permits
- Yearbooks
Attendance Information
Students are NOT permitted to return to school until they have been fever-free without the aid of fever-reducing medication (Tylenol, Aspirin, Ibuprofen, etc.) for 24 hours.
- SCHOOL BEGINS AT 7:10 A.M. This means that students are expected to be seated in their classroom at that time.
- Any students coming in after the 7:10 bell, will be required to stop at the front desk or at the tardy station in the 800 building to receive a tardy slip.
- All students who arrive late, without a signed note from their parent explaining the tardy, will receive an unexcused tardy.
- Students are allowed 10 parent notes PER SCHOOL YEAR. After 10 parent notes, no absences or tardies will be excused unless a doctor note is submitted.
The state of Georgia will accept the following reasons for a student to be considered excused from a school absence or tardy. Please provide the appropriate documentation and have your student turn in the information to the attendance office the morning they return to school. Students have five (5) days after returning to school to provide an excuse note.
- Personal illness
- Doctor/Dentist/Other healthcare professional (must be accompanied by a note from doctor)
- Serious illness or death in immediate family
- Religious holiday. Please name holiday.
- Student under orders from a government agency (Must attach formal documentation)
- Voter registration or voting
- Tests and physical exams for military service including National Guard (Must provide formal documentation)
- Spending time with parent(s) who are active-duty combat-zoned and about to leave for overseas deployment or who are between military deployments.
- College visit. Provide documentation from college/university.
Students are allowed 10 parent written notes per school year and 6 unexcused check-ins per semester.
Students must turn in excuse notes to the Attendance office within five (5) days of returning to school. Unexcused absences: If a note is not submitted within 5 days of the absence, the absence will be regarded as unexcused.
Parents will receive a letter from Gwinnett County Public Schools when a student has reached 5, 7, and 10 unexcused absences.
Consequences will be assigned after the 6th unexcused tardy.
Tardy: (Rule 10A and 10B)
1-6: Warning
7-9: 3 days of Restricted Lunch and parent contact
10-12: 1 Friday School, 2:30-4:00
13-15: 1 Saturday School, 8am-12pm
16+: NO school activities, Saturday School, Permanent Restricted Lunch, and restricted Bulldog Time.
If you are checking a student out:
Send an email to nghsattendance@gcpsk12.org stating when and for what purpose they need to leave. Notes must include the student's full name, ID number, and phone number and must be sent from the parent email we have on file.
- If you have sent in a note:
We will send your student a pass to leave at the designated time if it is during class. If the checkout time is during a class change, they will not require a pass and can simply report to the attendance desk.
- If you do not send in a note:
Please come in and show ID at the attendance desk. We will get your student at that time. This may take up to 15 minutes.
Students MUST key in their number at the front desk when checking out and checking in.
All checkouts are unexcused unless released from the clinic.
*The last check out time is at 1:45 pm*
Student Excuse Note