Image of the name Phoenix High School Media Center with a Phoenix over an open book
  • Media Center Hours:  8:00 - 8:00  

    The media center is open 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Policies & Procedures


    • CHECKOUT: Any three of the following – library books and or magazines (back issues)
    • CHECKOUT PERIOD: Two weeks on all library books and magazines
    • RENEWALS: All library books and magazines may be renewed one time.
    • REFERENCE MATERIALS: Reference materials may NOT be checked out.
    • HOLDS: Media staff will hold/reserve books for up to one week.
    • MEDIA RESOURCE PASSWORDS (for home use): Available on student portal and on student shelf in media center


    • LAPTOPS (15)


    • COPY/PRINT: All school-related copying and printing
    • SUPPLIES: Poster board (available in black, white, light blue, yellow, and orange), CDs, index cards for taking notes, and construction paper
    • OTHER: Glue sticks, colored pencils and magic markers are available for use in the media center.
  • Type a keyword or topic in the search box (see above) to get instant access to Destiny Discover, our media center online catalog.  Then click"Enter."  On the next screen, log in with your portal username and password so that you can save books to your favorite's list and read or check out eBooks.