- Baggett ES
- Title I
Baggett Elementary School Proud to be Title I
Title I is a federally funded program resulting from the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. Title I provides funds for schools and districts based on the percentage of students qualifying to receive free or reduced-price (school) meals. The purpose is to ensure that all children have access to quality instruction and resources that will enable them to meet state academic standards.
There are 70 schools operating Title I Programs in Gwinnett County Public Schools. Of these, 45 are elementary schools, 12 are middle schools,10 are high schools and 3 are special entities. Each Title I Schoolwide Program has an on-site Parent Center, our "Family Center" is facilitated by Ms. Daniel, a certified teacher, known as the Parent Instructional Coordinator (PIC). Our school also has a Parent Outreach Liaison, Ms. Rodriguez, who is bilingual (English-Spanish).
Each Title I School is required to host workshops/training for parents that focus on the academic needs of the students. While many of these workshops/training occur during daytime hours, others are held in the evenings. Additionally, these workshops/training are repeated, based on attendance and parent requests. Interpreters (for Spanish-speaking parents) and childcare are often available.
Baggett's Title I program offers services and programs that help improve the education of all students, and provides funds that help pay for the following:-
teacher salaries (which lowers the student/teacher ratio)
stipends for professional development
release time for teachers to collaborate & plan instruction
technology for classrooms
consumable and non-consumable teaching materials
materials and resources for the Family Center
literacy books