- Lawrenceville ES
- Principal - Candace Haynes

Phone: 678-377-3934
Degrees and Certifications:
Degrees and Certifications: 2023 - Present -- Principal, Lawrenceville Elementary School 2016-2023 -- Assistant Principal, Winn Holt Elementary School 2001-2016 -- 2nd, 3rd, and 5th Grade Teacher, Annistown Elementary School 2000-2001 -- 3rd Grade Teacher, Lockheed Elementary School, Marietta City Schools 1995-2000 -- Paraprofessional, Barrow Elementary School, Clarke County School District 2012 graduate of the district's Quality-Plus Leader Academy Aspiring Leader Program 2023 graduate of the district's Quality-Plus Leader Academy Aspiring Principal Program Education: Bachelor's degree in English - University of North Carolina at Charlotte Master's degree in teaching - Piedmont University Specialist degree in Educational Leadership - Central Michigan University
Mrs. Candace Haynes, Principal
My name is Candace Haynes, and I am thrilled to be the new principal of Lawrenceville ES, where students are Today's Learners and Tomorrow's Leaders. I have been a part of the Black Knight community for seven years as an assistant principal, and I am so excited to remain in this community that I love so much. I have been an educator for 28 years, and I remain excited about the work I get to do each day. The single best thing about the field of education is empowering students to reach their goals of independence and to achieve at the highest possible levels. I also believe strongly in the need to involve family and community members in the education of our students, as this creates the best opportunity for success. The foundation of what I do is providing an equitable learning environment in which students can thrive and feel a sense of belonging. It is very important to me that all who enter our building are treated with dignity and respect.
Teachers are very dear to me because I know how hard they work and how vital they are to student success. I believe that what we do in the school building is more than a job; it is a very rewarding, fulfilling, and important assignment. For this reason, I always prioritize our core business of teaching and learning and protect the instructional time of our teachers. Additionally, I find it equally important to protect the personal time of our teachers by allowing them to practice self-care and disconnect from the job at the end of the day to connect with their own families.
I am not only a GCPS employee but also a GCPS parent. My most important assignment is being a wife to my husband of 28 years and a mom to our five children. All of our kids are “homegrown” GCPS students, and my youngest is a fourth-grade Black Knight.
When parents walk through our doors, I can relate to their mixed emotions of excitement, nervousness, and pride. I have always found that parents and I have two essential things in common; we expect students to be treated with kindness, and we expect them to excel to their highest potential. Together, we can help students achieve great things. I look forward to a fantastic and successful school year together!
Your Proud Principal