- Trickum MS
July 2023
Dear Parents, Teachers and Students:
Welcome from the Trickum Middle School PTSA! We hope you had a safe and healthy summer and are looking forward to the new school year at Trickum.
Your PTSA officers have been busy over the summer planning for a GREAT year! We will return to all PTSA events and activities. We look forward to the return of students and parents. In October, our PTSA will again have its Tiger Tie Dye Color Run as our major fundraiser. Your generous support of the Tiger Tie Dye Color Run will reduce the likelihood of a spring fundraiser. We appreciate your support!
New this coming school year, all PTSA activities, events, memberships, and information will be on trickum.memberhub.com. It is free to create an account and you do not have to be a PTSA member to do so. Notices, calendars, event tickets, activities, membership, forms, and spirit wear will now be in this one spot. No need to wait for the crazy start of school, set yours up now.
PTSA is a far-reaching organization that has worked to make a difference in the lives of children, families, and teachers in Georgia every day, and we will continue to do so at Trickum Middle School.
PTSA Membership - Your PTSA continues to strive toward our goal of 100% membership! We would like for each child at Trickum to be represented by a membership. Please consider supporting our school and our children with a PTSA membership, which you may purchase online at trickum.memberhub.com or in person at Open House or the grade-level Curriculum Nights. We offer several different membership levels to meet the needs of every family. An individual membership is $10, or you may choose to take advantage of one of our membership levels. The Tiger level costs $30 and includes 2 memberships and 2 exclusive Trickum car magnets. The Top Tiger Level costs $50 includes 2 memberships, 2 exclusive magnets, and a voucher for one spirit-wear shirt of your choice.
Volunteer - We encourage our families to become involved members of our PTSA by serving as members of one of our many committees. Please share your ideas, talents, and interests to help build a PTSA team that is strong, active, and involved. No prior experience is needed – just an interest in serving our school. Not ready to join a committee but still have a few hours to volunteer? If so, please join our list of volunteers by emailing herschelepta@gmail.com.You will be notified throughout the year of volunteer opportunities to help PTSA events run smoothly. Your participation is the foundation we need to continue the success we have at Trickum. Come join our journey this year at Trickum Middle School - we welcome you!
Herschele Brooks - Co-PresidentMichelle Forrester - Co-President
Executive Officers
Herschele Brooks - Co-President
Michelle Forrester - Co-PresidentShahina Butler - Vice-President
Amanda Metcalf - Treasurer
Shannon Quillen -Secretary
Below is a list of the PTSA committees that support Trickum Middle School. Please contact an officer to volunteer for any of our committees. We need your support to continue these programs. It is easy to volunteer to serve in your spare time, and even an hour or two of your time would be of tremendous value.
- Activity Days – 6th, 7th, and 8th Grades
- Media Center Support
- Beautification and Environmental Membership
- Bus Driver Appreciation
- PBIS Support
- Duty-Free Lunches
- Reflections
- 8th Grade Awards Program
- Ryan’s Roundtable/seminars
- Fundraising – Tiger Tie Dye Color Run
- Socials – 6th, 7th, and 8th Grades
- Student Representative
- Staff Appreciation Week
- Grocery Cards/Box Tops for Education
- Hospitality
- Voices for Children/Legislation
- To promote the welfare of youth in home, school, community, and place of worship.
- To raise the standards of home life.
- To secure adequate laws for the care and protection of children and youth.
- To bring into closer relation the home and the school, so that parents and teachers may cooperate intelligently in the education of youth.
To develop between educators and the general public such united efforts to provide all youth the highest advantages in physical, mental, social, and spiritual education.
On local, district, state, and national levels, the PTA has an impressive record of accomplishments for the well-being of children and youth. As advocates for children, the PTA has helped to secure health services programs for parents and children, child labor and school attendance laws, juvenile courts, libraries, juvenile delinquency research and control, and programs to encourage parental involvement in school. The PTA has always had strong support at both the state and national levels for legislation that is in the best interest of children and the schools. Georgia state PTA is currently working on initiatives to improve mental health resources for our children.
The PTSA at Trickum Middle School will sponsor three social events (one for each grade level) this year. The dates will be available early in the school year on the Trickum PTSA page at trickum.memberhub.com . Our students always enjoy these events, and, parents, we encourage you to chaperone!
Guidelines for events:
- Drop off and pick up will be at the front entrance. Please use the bus lanes.
- Students may not leave the event area until the event is over. If parents must pick up their child earlier, they must first locate the administrator on duty.
- Appropriate school dress code and conduct rules are in effect.
- Students will not have telephones available. Please make prior arrangements for your child to be picked up promptly at the end of the event.
- Only Trickum students may attend.
- A Behavior Agreement Form will be signed by the student and the parent and returned in order to purchase a ticket to the event. The student will be expected to behave within the agreement that was signed. Otherwise, parents will be contacted to pick up their children from the event.
- The tickets go on sale the week of the event, and we must limit the sale to one ticket per student. If a ticket is lost, the only way to get into the event is to purchase another ticket if another one is available. Tickets are sold by presales only and are not available for purchase at the door.