• Drills and Skills

    Grades: 3-5

    Meeting Days: Mondays and Tuesdays from 3:00-4:30 from September to Decemeber and then January to May  

    Cost:  $0

    Mission/Purpose: Our mission is to provide a motivational program design to increase Positive Behavior within the McKendree community. 

    Activities: 3 man weave, dribble drills, activities that support basketball 

    Registration: Registration was sent via Parent Square

    Faculty Sponsor: Caylon Newby

    Email your sponsor

    Affiliations: None

  • Green Environment Club

    Grades: 5

    Meeting Days: Mondays and Fridays from 12:30-1:10 from October to May   

    Cost:  $0

    Mission/Purpose: Our mission is to educate and inspire our community to take action towards environmental sustainability. We aim to raise awareness about environmental decline and to encourage people to take small steps towards a greener future. We believe that every individual can make a difference, and we strive to empower people with the knowledge and resources they need to make positive changes in their lives.

    Activities: Research Environmentally conscious efforts, Friday recycling pick up, Create presentations for the school and the community, Pick up trash on the playground, Fundraising for recycling efforts

    Registration: Students are selected by teachers. 

    Faculty Sponsor: Mary Catherine Hulon

    Affiliations: None

  • FIRST Lego League Robotics

    Grades: 4-5

    Meeting Days: Every Tuesday from August-December 3:15-5:00   

    Cost:  $0

    Mission/Purpose: This program inspires young people to experiment and grow their confidence, critical thinking, and design skills through hands- on learning. FIRST LEGO League was created through an alliance between FIRST® and LEGO® Education. 

    Activities: Design thinking of a solution to the challenging problem, building the missions for the robot to run and designing a robot to complete the missions. 

    Registration: Applications to join will be available in early January. The club is only open to 8 students total. (This is a guideline from FIRST.) The lottery will choose students from applications. 

    Faculty Sponsor: Johanna Disney

    Email the sponsor

    Affiliations: FIRST Lego League 

  • Soaring Eagles Step Team

    Grades: 3-5

    Meeting Days: Every Monday and Wednesday from September to March 3:15-5:00

    Cost:  $0

    Mission/Purpose: The purpose of this club is to allow students to express their school spirit through rhythmic dance and percussive movements, fostering team work, collaboration, and other skills that can indirectly impact student success. 

    Activities: Exercise (Dancing and stepping) and performances 

    Registration: Try-outs in September 

    Faculty Sponsors: Shante Capers, Monica Mance, and Zamaria Travis
    shante.capers@gcpsk12.org, Monica.mance@gcpsk12.org and Zamaria.travis@gcpsk12.org 

  • Odyssey of the Mind

    Grades: 4th

    Meeting Days: Tuesdays from 3:15-4:30 October - March    

    Cost:  $0

    Mission/Purpose: Odyssey of the Mind, abbreviated OM or OotM, is a creative problem-solving program where team members present their solution at a competition to a predefined long-term problem that takes many months to complete and involves writing, design, construction, and theatrical performance. 

    Activities: Solve a problem as creatively as possible 

    Registration: Google form and paper copy were sent out 

    Faculty Sponsor: Colleen Davis and Amber Higginbotham
    colleen.m.davis@gcpsk12.org and amber.higginbotham@gcpsk12.org 

  • Chorus

    Grades: 3-5

    Practice Days: 

    Chorus- Tuesdays before school, 7:40-8:15 with Ms. Graham

    Chorus/Musical Theater Full Group- Thursdays before school, 7:40-8:15 with Langford & Graham

    Cost:  Free to join!

    Activities: Chorus, Dance


    Chorus Director: 

    Courtni Graham- Email or contact me on Parent Square!

  • Band

    Grades: 4-5

    Practice Days: 

    Intermediate Band (by recommendation only) Mondays and Wednesdays after school, 2:45-3:50
    Beginning Percussion every Tuesday morning, 7:40-8:10
    Beginning Clarinet & Trumpet every Wednesday morning, 7:40-8:10
    Beginning Flute every Thursday morning, 7:40-8:10

    Cost:  Free to join; parents supply book ($5-10) and instrument (purchase new/used or rent from local music store)

    Why Band? Language, reasoning, memorization, persistence, discipline, coordination, confidence, creativity, teamwork, auditory


    Band Director: 

    Tracy Langford

    Email the Director or contact me on Parent Square!

  • Girls on the Run

    Grades: 3-5

    Meeting Days: Practices are on Tuesdays and Wednesdays Afterschool from 3:10-4:40

    Cost:  Registration fees are based on a sliding scale dependent on family household income and starts at $0 for families who qualify. This can be calculated when you register at the Girls On the Run site

    Activities: Girls on the Run is a non-competitive program where our girls are valued regardless of running ability. Our MKES GOTR team focuses on empowering girls to become leaders in our community. Over the course of the program, our girls will improve on personal growth, build confidence, develop strength of character, and learn to recognize how they can shape the world at large. Our dynamic lessons instill valuable life skills, including the important connection between physical and emotional health. Click here to see our newsletter. 


    Faculty Sponsor: 

    Truc Dang

    Email the Sponsor

  • Reader's Rally

    Grades: 4-5

    Meeting Days: Wednesday 7:00am-7:45am Sept-March 

    Cost: Free

    Activities: Reading quiz bowl style competition for students starting in 4th grade. Students read 15 books from the list and answer the questions about the books. The team represents the school at the county Readers Rally Competition. 

    Faculty Sponsor:  Nicole Duque, Betty-Sue Garrish, Carla Stewart 

    Email the Sponsor