Library Info

  • books on shelves

    Media Center Hours

    The Media Center is open for 3rd-5th grade small group checkouts Monday - Friday from 9:00 AM - 2:30 PM. (The Media Center will be temporarily closed for student checkouts during Mrs. Norby's Lunch/Planning Time between 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM.)

    Digital resources are available, including the Media Catalog and the Online Research Library 24/7 through eCLASS. 


    • Kindergarten and 1st grade students may check out 1 book at a time.
    • 2nd grade students may check out 1 book at a time during the first semester and 2 books at a time during the second semester.
    • 3rd grade, 4th grade, and 5th grade students may check out 2 books at a time.

    All books are due two weeks from the date of check out.

    Students who have any overdue books or outstanding fines will be asked to return their book(s) or pay the overdue/lost charge (fine) before they may check out another book. 

    Lost or damaged items must be replaced with a $15 charge (fine) for hardback books or $5 charge (fine) for paperback books. (If materials are later found and returned, the fee will be reimbursed.)

    Book charges (fines) can be paid with cash, check, or on MyPaymentsPlus.


    Students will learn how to log into the Library Catalog to view the books they have checked out and to place books on hold (that are not currently available in the Media Center).


    Please reach out to our Media Specialist, Mrs. Norby, if you have any questions!