Bethesda Elementary School
A Learning Environment that is Safe, Positive, and Challenging
- Bethesda ES
- Bethesda Clubs
Student Clubs
There are a variety of extracurricular activities for students here at Bethesda. Our clubs are sponsored by our staff. Please read the descriptions below. If you are intereseted in a particular club or activity, please contact the listed sponsor.
Student Clubs
The Book is Always Better
The Book is Always Better - Reading club - students will read 3 to 4 chapter books and watch the corresponding movies. Students will then discuss the similarities and differences of the 2 and express their opinion on which one was better, the book or the movie. Students that love to read will really enjoy this club!
Sponsor: Sandra Williams & Megan Despot
Who Can Join: 4th & 5th Graders
How to Join: Join through MyPaymentsPlus (first come-first serve)
Meeting Time: 3:00pm-4:00pm
Number of Students: 25
Meeting Day: Monday
First Meeting: September 11th
Last Meeting: May 6th
Additional Information: $15 fee to pay for the books and snacks for movie days. Agreement form required.
Chorus- To perform choral music at various school and community events throughout the year.
Sponsor: Susan Hertlein
Who Can Join: 3rd, 4th & 5th Graders
How to Join: Complete the application form
Meeting Time: 3:00pm-4:00pm
Number of Students: 60
Meeting Day: Monday & Thursday
Meeting Location: Music Room/Ms. Hertlein’s classroom
First Meeting: September 18th
Last Meeting: May 10th
Additional Information: Chorus dues are $20.00 Agreement form required.
Club Invention - Castles, Catapults, Coats of Arms
Club Invention-Castles, Catapults, & Coat of Arms - The Club Invention Afterschool program travels back to the Middle Ages to recreate an environment that was familiar during those times. Applying the lifestyle and science concepts that were known to people of that time, children create jewelry and coats of arms, explore the concept of buoyancy as they build boats that float, construct tall towers and drawbridges and fabricate catapults to storm castle walls!
Sponsor/s: Hong Dinh
Who Can Join: 2nd & 3rd graders
How to Join: Registration link
Meeting Time: 3:00-4:30
Meeting Location: Ms. Dinh’s classroom
Number of Students: 20
Meeting Day: Wednesday’s
First Meeting: September 13th
Last Meeting: October 11th
Additional Information: No fees.
First League Lego Explore
First League Lego Explore - Students will understand the basics of STEM and apply their skills while building habits of learning, confidence, and teamwork skills along the way through First Lego League.
Sponsor/s: Kimberly Peterson & Tram Nguyen
Who Can Join: 2nd & 3rd Graders
How to Join: Applications will be available in December. Please see Ms. Peterson for details.
Meeting Time: 3:00 - 4:30
Meeting Location: STEM Classroom
Number of Students: 6
Meeting Day: TBD
First Meeting: Begins in January
Last Meeting: Ends in April with a Saturday showcase!
Additional Information: Students will meet once per week. There will be a showcase for students only at a local high school.
First Lego League Discovery
First Lego League Discovery- Students will understand the basics of STEM and apply their skills while building habits of learning, confidence, and teamwork skills along the way through First Lego League.
Sponsor/s: Kim Peterson & Katie Manna
Who Can Join: Kindergarten & First Graders
How to Join: Applications will go out in December for K and 1.
Meeting Time: 3:00 - 4:30
Meeting Location: STEM classroom
Number of Students: 8
Meeting Day: TBD
First Meeting: Begins in January
Last Meeting: Ends in April with a Saturday Showcase!
Additional Information: Students will meet once per week. There will be a showcase for students only at a local high school.
Girls on the Run
Girls on the Run- Girls on the Run is so much more than running. Our tested curriculum blends physical activity with skill development that enables girls to adapt to whatever comes their way. Girls on the Run understands the important connection between physical activity and overall emotional health. Trained volunteer coaches guide girls through research-based lessons which creatively integrate movement in a fun and motivating way. By signing your girl up for Girls on the Run, you are giving her the opportunity to connect, grow and learn how to navigate difficult situations.
Sponsor/s: Laura Todd
Who Can Join: 3rd-5th Grade Girls
How to Join: The fall season registration lottery is open through Tuesday, August 22:
Meeting Time: 3:30 PM- 5 PM
Meeting Location: BES
Meeting Day: Mondays and Wednesdays
First Meeting: September 11
Last Meeting:
Additional Information: Girls on the Run fees range from $0 - $225 and are on a sliding scale based on household income and household size so that every girl who wants to participate can. For more information call Laura Todd at 770-381-4213 and to register, visit
Junior Beta Club
Junior Beta- The Bethesda chapter of Junior Beta Club will focus on acts of service. Beta Club members will demonstrate leadership through giving and serving others without expecting anything in return. During our monthly meetings, we will select ways we can serve both our school and community to enact positive change.
Sponsor/s: Michelle Claudon & Danielle Dickey
Who Can Join: Membership is by invitation only. Eligible students must have maintained an average of 90%+ in all academic areas throughout the previous year, demonstrate strong character, and show leadership potential.
How to Join: My Payments Plus
Meeting Time: 3:00-4:00
Meeting Location: TBD
Number of Students: 25-30
Meeting Day: Last Wednesday of the Month: Oct. 25, Nov. 29, Jan. 31, Feb. 28, March 27 and April 24
First Meeting: October 25th
Last Meeting: April 24th
Additional Information: $20 fee.
PatrioBots - Bethesda’s First Lego League Robotics Team! Students will understand the basics of STEM and apply their skills in an exciting competition while building habits of learning, confidence, and teamwork skills along the way through First Lego League
Sponsor/s: Kim Peterson and Tram Nguyen
Who Can Join: 4th and 5th Graders
How to Join: Application Process (pick up and application from Ms. Peterson)
Meeting Time: 3:00pm-4:30pm
Number of Students: 10
Meeting Day: Thursday
First Meeting: September 7th
Last Meeting: December 14th (unless we move on to the second round of competition)
Additional Information: No fee required to participate! Online agreement form required. We will have a showcase one Thursday in November and a Competition one Saturday in December (dates to be determined).
Patriot Post
Patriot Post - A school paper that is engaging and informative, geared towards the students, and made by the students.
Sponsor/s: Traci Chadwick & Tymber Maddox
Who Can Join: 4th & 5th Graders
How to Join: My Payments lus
Meeting Time: 3:00-4:15pm
Meeting Location: Maddox and Chadwick Rooms
Number of Students: 30
Meeting Day: Every Monday
First Meeting: 8/28/2023
Last Meeting: 4/29/2024
Additional Information: $10 fee.
Patriot Players
Patriot Players – Ever dreamed of being onstage? Thought maybe you want to be a part of something bigger? Join the drama club and share your talents with us!
Sponsors: Hannah Stockton
Who Can Join: 3rd, 4th & 5th Graders
How to Join: Application process
Meeting Time: 3pm-4:00pm
Meeting Location: Ms. Stockton’s classroom
Number of Students: 40
Meeting Day: Mondays and Thursdays
First Meeting: September 18th parent meeting in the cafeteria
Last Meeting: March 21, 2024 (show date)
Additional Information: $15 fee & Agreement form required.
Peer Helpers
Peer Helpers - To promote leadership, 5th graders provide basic academic support to K,.1st, & 2nd Grade in reading comprehension, language arts, math, and completion of homework.
Sponsor/s: Charles Hale
Who Can Join: 5th Graders
How to Join: Aug. 28th–Applications available, Sept. 1st–Applications due,
Sept. 5th--Peer Helper interviews, Sept. 8th– Peer Helpers announced & trained, Sept. 11–Peer Helpers begin.
Meeting Time: Dismissal
Meeting Location: Assigned location
Number of Students: 24
Meeting Day: Daily
First Meeting: September 8th
Last Meeting: End of school year
Additional Information: No fee required. Application process.
Principal Advisory Council
Principal Student Advisory Council- The primary goal of my Student Advisory Council is to provide a voice for students to share their perceptions and ideas. They serve as a valuable resource as I make decisions that impact students at Bethesda.
Sponsor/s: Katrina Larmond
Who Can Join: 4th and 5th grade students
How to Join: Application process to be considered
Meeting Time: During students’ lunch
Meeting Location: Media Center
Number of Students: 30
Meeting Day: Once a quarter
Safety Patrol
Safety Patrol - 5th graders will assist during dismissal with all students exiting the building. Safety Patrols will help students in the hallways, breezeways, and cafeteria
Sponsor/s: Charles Hale
Who Can Join: 5th Graders
How to Join: Application
Meeting Time: Dismissal
Meeting Location: Assigned location
Number of Students: 27
Meeting Day: Daily
First Meeting: Sept. 8
Last Meeting: End of school year
Additional Information: No fee required. Application Process.
Student Council
Student Council- A Student Council is a group of elected students working together with an adult advisor within the framework of a constitution or bylaws to provide a means for student expression and assistance in school affairs and activities. The Student Council gives opportunities for student experience in leadership, and promotes effective understanding of the rights and responsibilities that are a part of being civically engaged.
Sponsor/s: Jessica Thornhill & Catherine Barrera
Who Can Join: 4th and 5th grade students
How to Join: Application process to be considered for homeroom election
Two 5th grade students will be elected by their homeroom to represent their class. One 4th grade student will be elected by their homeroom to represent their class.
4th & 5th Graders may run for officer positions, elected by the general Student Council members: President (5th Grader Only), Vice President (5th Grader Only), Treasurer (5th Grader Only), Secretary (4th or 5th Grader), Parliamentarian (4th or 5th Grader)
Meeting Time: 3:15 - 4:00
Meeting Location: Ms. Thornhill’s room
Number of Students: 27
Meeting Day: Thursdays
First Meeting: September 21, 2023
Last Meeting: May 9, 2023
Additional Information: No fees, Meetings are twice a month, 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month.
Young Lady Patriots
Young Lady Patriots - The purpose of the girls' mentoring group would be to support the emotional, social and academic growth of girls in grades 4 & 5. The goal for this group of girls is to build their self-esteem, talk about friendships, growing up, and plans for their future.
Sponsor: Lineica Maupins
Who Can Join: 4th & 5th Grade girls
How to Join: Application Process (applications given to 4th & 5th grade teachers)
Meeting Time: 3:00pm-4:00pm
Number of Students: 25
Meeting Location: Ms. Maupins’ classroom
Number of Students: 25
Meeting Day: Twice a month on Wednesdays
First Meeting: September 6, 2023
Last Meeting: May 15, 2024
Additional Information: $42 for a T-shirt ($10) and an outing ($32). Permission slip required.