Professional Learning Opportunities

  • GCPS leaders share a moment during the district's Summer Leadership Conference in June 2022.Learning opportunities for principals, assistant principals, and district-level leaders are designed to focus on effective practices and are critical to sustaining a culture of success.

    These opportunities provide valuable information, practical strategies, and tools drawn from research.

    Summer Leadership Conference

    Summer Leadership Conference is GCPS’s annual signature learning event. Each year, local school and district leaders have the opportunity to learn from nationally renowned educational leaders, authors and speakers such as Cedric King, Erin Jones, John Krownapple, and Robert Jackson. The most important conference learning experience is our choice sessions because these sessions are created by our leaders for our leaders. Our “in-house experts” share best practices, collaborate, and engage in relevant learning topics. This multi-day conference provides participants with the opportunity to learn, network, and plan for the upcoming school year.