• Educational Tools and Resources

    At DMS we firmly believe that the stronger the connection between home and school, the bigger benefit is for our students.

    Research has shown that a strong home-school connection allows for:

    • students to do better in school.
    • teachers to gain higher levels of self-esteem.
    • parents to become more empowered and invested in their child's life.

    Students also tend to have higher attendance rates, better social skills, and an increased graduation rate when this support network is in place.

    The resources listed below are tools that we use in our classrooms to help support students. These can be accessed at home to help them with their work and to help build their understanding with concepts and standards.

    Need more ideas on how to help at home?

    - Cox, Janelle. “You Can Strengthen the Home-to-School Connection.” TeachHUB.com, https://www.teachhub.com/how-strengthen-home-school-connection.

Morning Tutoring at DMS

  • Morning tutoring for extra help and class assistance is available from 8:15am - 8:55am.

    • Students MUST be dropped off in the bus lanes (Auburn Road entrance), enter through the cafeteria, and sign in before reporting to their teacher.

    Each subject area meets on a specific day each week:

    Mondays - Language Arts

    Tuesdays - Math

    Wednesdays - All subjects 

    Thursdays - Science

    Friday - Social Studies

  • BrainPop

    BrainPop provides short movie clips and related activities to help students understand classroom concepts.  

    Subject Areas include:

    • Science
    • Social Studies
    • Language Arts
    • Math
    • Arts & Music
    • Health
    • Engineering & Technology

    BrainPop Login Access

  • iLearn

    iLearn provides supplemental math supportive for students in an adaptive platform to meet them where they currently are in the curriculum. Resources are provided to teach the specific concept to help with the understanding of the "how to" procedures followed by practice and review once students have demonstrated their understanding of what was taught, all in a multimedia and engaging format.

    As a Dacula MS provided resource, each student has their own individual log-in information to access this resource. There is not a free version of this resource.

    Subject Areas included:

    • Math (1st grade - High School Algebra)

    iLearn Log In Access

  • Imagine Learning

    Imagine Learning is a GCPS provided resource for our English Language Learning (ELL) students to help with the acquisition, development, and strenthening of the language skills necessary to fully participate in the academic setting as well as help prepare students for their college and career experiences.

    Subject Areas included:

    • Language & Literacy
    • Spanish
    • Reading
    • Math

    Imagine Learning log-in information is provided to students by their ELL teachers (if applicable). 

  • MobyMax Learning

    MobyMax helps find and fix learning gaps for students. Using adaptive curriculum, MobyMax creates an individualized education plan for each student to help them rebuild and progress in their learning at their own pace.

    As a Dacula MS provided resource, each student has their own individual log-in information to access this resource. They do not need to sign up for a free account.

    Subject Areas included:

    • Science
    • Social Studies
    • Language Arts
    • Math 

    MobyMax Login Page

  • Prodigy

    Prodigy is a free web resource that provides students with additional practice for math skills in an adaptive game-based environment. All activities are based in the Georgia Standards of Excellence and parents can set goals for their student, see where the student excel and where they need more practice, and receive email updates on student progress in the program.

    Subject Area included:

    • Math (Grades 1-8)

    Prodigy Website Access

  • USA TestPrep

    USA TestPrep allows students to work on concepts either assigned by their teacher or as self-paced practice in a variety of web-based formats. All items are aligned with the Georgia Standards of Excellence and provide teachers with feedback for their students that allows them to better support the needs of each learner.

    As a Dacula MS provided resource, each student has their own individual log-in information to access this resource. They do not need to sign up for a free account.

    Subject Areas included:

    • Science (including EOC/High School level courses)
    • Social Studies
    • Language Arts  (including EOC/High School level courses)
    • Math (including Accelerated & EOC/High School level courses)

    USATestPrep Login Access