- McKendree ES
- Policies
Student Check Out
K students may check out 1 book and keep it for 2 weeks. Students in grades 1-5 may check out 2 books for 2 weeks. Books may be renewed once if not on hold for another patron. Students must return any overdue items before checking out additional items. Reference books are housed in the media center to be accessible at all times to patrons. Students may come to the media center in small groups or as a whole class to check out.
Return Procedure: All materials are to be placed in the book return in the media center on, or before, the due date. Students are responsible for books they have checked out until they are deposited in the book return. No fines are charged for overdue books. Overdue notices are distributed monthly to homeroom teachers.
Students are asked to pay for lost or damaged books. If a book has been lost, the student must pay a replacement cost of the book. If the book is returned after it has been paid for, the money will be returned.
Fees for lost or damaged books:
Hardcover book - $15.00
Paperback book - $5.00 -
Mission and Vision
McKendree Elementary Media Center
Mission Statement
The mission of McKendree Elementary Media Center is to provide a safe, nurturing environment of academic excellence. It exists for the use of students in order to provide for their personal intellectual growth and for teachers by providing curriculum support in the classroom. The media center will strive to prepare students to become life-long readers and learners.
Our media center will be the hub of a school where each child will be encouraged to learn the research process, love books, and become lifelong learners. Our media program will support all instructional areas, providing media resources, facilities, and services to our staff and students. Within the media center, you will find the latest in computer technology, allowing students to easily locate books and search electronic databases, encyclopedias, Galileo, and the Internet to expand their knowledge of different types of subject matter. Flexible scheduling of the media center will allow individuals or groups to use the center as needed. Each morning, our students will be producing a live television broadcast of the morning announcements over our closed circuit system.
Vision & Philosophy
McKendree Elementary School Media Center Vision
McKendree Elementary School Media Center is an exciting place to be. The media center is the hub of the school, is student-centered, and supports teaching and learning through resources and technology. Collaboration and partnership are important components in a thriving media center. The acquisition of materials and teaching will support the curriculum standards set forth by GCPS. It is important that students, teachers, administrators, and staff enjoy visiting the media center. McKendree Elementary School Media Center will strive to be a welcoming and inviting place that is an enjoyable, yet stimulating, learning environment. Reading for pleasure and critical thinking will be encouraged. Students can explore interests of their own as well as seek content that supports the curriculum. Teachers can find materials to enhance their instruction with a focus to improve student achievement. The media center should often be the busiest place in the school. The media center staff aims to guide students to become information literate learners and lifelong readers.
McKendree Elementary School Media Center Philosophy
The philosophy of McKendree Elementary School Media Center is to guide students in developing the skills needed to effectively and ethically explore the information world. It is through the Media Center that we will guide students in exploring the information available to them in the form of both print and non-print sources.
Staff will strive to make the Media Center the information hub of the school through an “open door” access policy that welcomes individual students, whole classes, teachers, administrators and community guests. In serving as the information hub of the school, we also seek to open the eyes of our teachers to the multitudes of resources available to support curricular goals and units.
Through active collaborative partnership with teachers and administrators, McKendree Elementary School Media Center will integrate critical information seeking skills into the curriculum to provide optimum learning opportunities for the students. The Media Center will also work with the Technology Team to provide staff development programs designed to increase teacher comfort levels with technology, promote the use of technology within the classroom and raise awareness of ethical and legally acceptable usage of technology in the classroom setting.
In addition to serving as the school’s information hub, we see the Media Center as a place that should spark excitement and intrigue in students’ attitudes toward reading. The Media Center program will strive to instill a lifelong love of reading and learning in each McKendree Elementary student by creating an exciting and inviting environment that welcomes all members of the learning community to utilize the Media Center everyday for research and pleasure.
Copyright for Students and Teachers
"Fair Use" guidelines are copyright rules for students and teachers. You may use the following without making a copyright violation:
- Music –10% with a maximum of 30 seconds
- Videos - 3 minutes or 10% whichever is less
- Illustrations and Photographs – Single works may be used in their entirety – no more than 5 images of an artist or photographer and no more than 15 images or 10%, whichever is less from a collection
- Book - 1000 words or 10% whichever is less – 2 pages maximum from a picture book of less than 2,500 words
- Poem – entire poem if less that 250 words – excerpt of poem if greater than 250 words - no more than one poem by a poet or 5 poems from an anthology
Students may incorporate portions of copyrighted materials when producing a project for a specific course.
"Fair Use" guidelines are copyright rules for students and teachers. You may copy the following without making a copyright violation if used in the classroom for a limited period of time:
- A chapter from a book (never the entire book).
- An article from a periodical or newspaper.
- A short story, essay, or poem. One work is the norm whether it comes from an individual work or an anthology.
- A chart, graph, diagram, drawing, cartoon or picture from a book, periodical, or newspaper.
- Poetry: Multiple copies of a poem of 250 words or less that exist on two pages or less or 250 words from a longer poem.
- Prose: Multiple copies of an article, story or essay that are 2,500 words or less or excerpts up to 1,000 words or 10 % of the total work whichever is less.
- Illustrations: Multiple copies of a chart, graph, diagram, drawing, cartoon, or picture contained in a book or periodical issue.
University of Maryland University College. (2012). Copyright and fair use in the UMUC online or face-to-face classroom. Retrieved from http://www.umuc.edu/library/libhow/copyright.cfm