- Norcross ES
- GCPS Guidance and Counseling Competencies

GCPS Guidance and Counseling Competencies
Goal: Academic Development
Learn the importance of using listening skills at all times in school.
Follow classroom rules and be able to explain what the rules mean.
Follow spoken directions given in school.
Cultivate school success by taking responsibility for their actions (self-control).Goal: Career Development
Learn about various careers and occupations.Goal: Life Skills
Express feelings appropriately and recognize connections between thoughts, feelings, and actions (ex. learning anger management skills)
Develop positive attitudes towards self as a unique and worthy person.
Identify and respect similarities and differences of others.
Explore the difference between appropriate and inappropriate touches.
Identify strategies for stopping inappropriate touches. -
First Grade
Goal: Academic Development
Acquire skills to improve learning (ex: on-task behaviors, positive attitude, perseverance).
Use listening skills to follow oral and written directions.
Accept mistakes as essential to the learning process.
Learn when and how to ask for help with schoolwork.
Demonstrate personal responsibility in following rules.Goal: Career Development
Explore personal likes and dislikes as they relate to various careers and occupations.Goal: Life Skills
Demonstrate respect for oneself as well as others.
Learn about ways to handle disagreements without fighting (conflict resolution).
Learn how to make and keep friends.
Recognize the difference between the feelings associated with appropriate and inappropriate physical contact.
Identify strategies for stopping inappropriate touches including sexual abuse. -
Second Grade
Goal: Academic Development
Demonstrate the ability to work independently and cooperatively with other students.
Practice effective listening skills in order to follow directions.
Follow multi-step directions.
Identify attitudes and behaviors that lead to successful learning (i.e. test-taking skills, work habits).Goal: Career Development
Learn connections between education and possible careers and occupations.Goal: Life Skills
Learn appropriate decision-making skills.
Understand the relationship between behaviors and consequences.
Learn conflict resolution skills.
Demonstrate ways to show respect for self, other, and property.
Recognize the difference between the feelings associated with appropriate and inappropriate physical contact.
Examine and practice safety skills including preventing/stopping sexual abuse. -
Third Grade
Goal: Academic Development
Develop skills to work independently.
Explore effective test-taking strategies and stress management techniques.
Follow both written and spoken directions.
Practice goal setting, time management, and organizational skills.Goal: Career Development
Understand the differences among various careers and occupations.
Work cooperatively in small groups to solve problems.Goal: Life Skills
Apply effective problem-solving skills to make safe and healthy choices.
Learn appropriate responses to bullying/harassment.
Identify sources of positive and negative influences (peers, family, community, media).
Use effective communication skills.
Develop a healthy self-concept by making positive choices.
Examine and practice safety skills including preventing/stopping sexual abuse. -
Fourth Grade
Goal: Academic Development
Identify personal strengths and weaknesses to positively influence school performance.
Learn and apply test-taking strategies.
Utilize organizational and time management skills to complete school assignments.
Learn and apply goal-setting strategies.Goal: Career Development
Explore how hobbies and personal interests relate to careers.
Use conflict resolution skills to solve problems effectively.
Learn how to prioritize time between work and leisure activities.Goal: Life Skills
Accept responsibility and understand consequences for personal choices.
Learn effective strategies related to peer pressure.
Identify strategies to cope effectively with personal and classroom difficulties (conflict resolution skills).
Recognize and appreciate differences in others (culture, ethnicity, students with disabilities).
Summarize and practice safety skills including preventing and stopping sexual abuse. -
Fifth Grade
Goal: Academic Development
Apply time management and organizational skills to enhance personal and academic success.
Utilize study skills to help achieve goals and reduce test-taking anxiety.
Learn strategies to successfully transition to middle school.Goal: Career Development
Identify how hobbies and personal interests influence possible careers and occupations.
Develop skills to locate information about possible careers and occupations.Goal: Life Skills
Demonstrate skills needed to cope with challenges in daily life.
Demonstrate behaviors needed to interact with peers effectively (friendship skills, avoiding peer pressure and bullying).
Demonstrate respect for and acceptance of differences in others (culture, ethnic, students with disabilities).
Demonstrate the use of effective communication skills (verbal and nonverbal) in a variety of settings.
Distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate school behaviors.
Identify neglectful, physical and sexually abusive situations and strategies for getting help.
Understand the relationship between effective work habits (responsibility, punctuality, and effort) and the world of work.